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from seeds.Astilbe features greful foliage and feathery

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 8:45 pm
by zz520
Here are so plants that people will always buy and can build you a good custor base nike roshe run slip on españa , that can help make you rich:Sweet PeasThese fragrant old favorites need to get their first spurt of growth before the weather warms too much.Colors range from purest white through all ades of pink and lavender. Soak the seeds in warm water over night. Plant one seed to a 2-inch pot of rich soil. February is a good ti. Grow them right on in the cool greenhouse or, after the plants have started into good growth, say mid-March, move them to the cold fra.Cuthbertson's heat-resistant sweet peas are a good choice for repeat business. These e in all the favorite colors. The Spencer and Zvolanek strains also are well known and thoroughly reliable.ZinniaZinnias have been so improved that now there are forms for every gardening need. There are the baby zinnias, the bedders, the small-flowered sorts (so good in flower arrangents), the improved "giants," and the ctus types with isted petal tips.Flowers range from white through yellow, orange, pink nike roshe run flyknit baratas , and red, and multicolored.Sow the seeds in April in flats and grow them in the cool greenhouse. Prick off and plant singly as soon as they are easily handled—perhaps in 2 weeks. Grow under strong light. Once potted, they can be removed and pled in the cold fra, thus leaving spe for starting another crop for the later buyersHere are so great and profitable plants for terres:AnemoneThese pretty bulbous plants thrive in sun or semiade. Their flowers are like thick-petaled poppies, in red, purple, or white. For sumr-flowering plants, start the corms (with "claws" pointing downward) in March in the cold greenhouse. As soon as growth ows, pot up in 3-inch pots of porous soil mixture.Anemones can be started from seeds sown in July, but the imported corms sold in mixture are so reasonably priced it hardly seems worth while to grow them from seeds.Astilbe features greful foliage and feathery flower spires. Large clumps can be divided in the spring and potted in 5- or 6-inch pots of sandy soil. They need plenty of water and ould be grown in a warm house. Astilbe forces well for late winter early spring bloom.Baby's Breath (Gypsophila elegans)The ly appearance of baby's breath makes it a wele addition to the terre. The frely cut branches are beautiful in flower arrangents. When dried nike roshe run granates , they bee material for winter bouquets.Balloon Flower (Platycodon grandiflorum)Neat growth, handso flowers—in bud or bloom—make the balloon flower a favorite with gardeners. It is a hardy perennial with blue, purple, pink, or white flowers. Just before Although you can start them from seed by sowing them in a warm house in the spring, it may be more profitable to pur¬chase rooted cuttings, or a few large plants and propagate your own cuttings.As soon as seedlings ow true leaves, and cuttings sprout new leaves, give them weekly dosages of diluted liquid ferti¬lizer. One-fourth the rended proportion is right for seedlings; &fr12; dilution for cuttings.The older plants are rested through the winter by storing in a cool ple. Start the plants into growth in February or March. As soon as they ow strong growth, take cuttings and insert them in flats of good greenhouse soil. If the cuttings are given bottom heat so the soil temperature is about 60 degrees nike roshe run granates mujer , they will root and be sturdy enough in 3 weeks to pot into 3-inch pots. Encourage growth by growing them on in a warm green¬house or by giving them another 2 or 3 weeks of 60-degree bottom heat.They can be sold directly from the 3-inch pots; or, if you desire larger plants, give them another ift into a 5- or 6-inch pot.Cuttings taken in September and grown in 60-degree tem¬peratures without any bottom heat will produce plants for 4-inch pots the following spring.PassifloraThe passion flower is a wonderful and "different" vine for terre trellising. The flower range is from creamy white through lavender, blue, and pink to red. Propagate passiflora during the early spring by taking cuttings and inserting them in any rooting dia. They grow well at 70 degrees and can be planted directly into 2- or 3-inch pots.They will flower sparingly in these containers, but they can be sold before flowering because as soon as prospective buyers note the na passiflora, they are eager to purchase.A Minnesota grower propagates passiflora by the hundreds and still falls ort of supplying the demand. My own green¬house is so crowded with other things that I lk spe for a col¬lection of these vines, much as I would like to have them. Unrooted cuttings sell for 35 cents to a dollar eh, depending on the relative scarcity of the particular variety.Highly unusual varieties can be produced by planting passiflora seed—which is sowhat difficult to germinate but can be helped along by an overnight soaking in water. Plant in a light soil and keep in a 70-degree house. Germination takes from 2 to 6 weeks. If you want to grow them on yourself in or¬der to have material for cuttings, keep ifting until the vine is in a 5- or 6-inch pot.In the sumr they can be transplanted to the garden; and if your greenhouse can modate these big plants nike roshe run hyperfuse baratas , you can dig them in the fall and replant into 8- or 10-inch pots. These older plants will provide you with hundreds of cuttings.opening, the buds bee swollen and resemble balloons, thus its mon na. There are single and double flowers; plants to 2- and 3-foot heights, or dwarfs. These make especially good terre material.Start seeds in late February or early March in ady loam and grow in the cool greenhouse. Pot up in 3-inch pots about 6 weeks after seed planting.Candytuft (Iberis)Flower spikes much like hyinths, in ades of white, pink and orchid, make these low-growing plants favorites for terre plantings—especially as a planting to top a rock wall.Plant seeds in mid-January and grow them in the cool green¬house. These will produce flowering plants for sale in May. Sow thinly in flats of soil, transplant .