I am happy to announce the reopening of the Public Archives section here at the Temple of Dagon. For those of you who want to upload fiction or poetry to the site, it is a great place to go. Just create an account, and upload your work. You can also browse the work of others at the Temple.
I just finished implementing a new system for displaying the artwork in the Featured Artists section of this site. It makes browsing through the images much nicer. Check it out yourself by clicking on an image thumbnail. For those of you who are interested, it is a modified version of the Lightbox system. Enjoy!
First of all in 500 words written called “All Hallows Eve” & in far more words spoken as part of Dodging Reality with one called “Band of Doom.”
If you have browsed through the featured artists section here at the Temple of Dagon, you have most likely seen the incredible artwork of the award-winning Dave Carson. We are very happy to have him here at the Temple, and wanted to share news of his latest venture – Cthulhu.biz – T-shirts for sale with custom Lovecraftian designs. If you are a fan of his artwork, or Lovecraftian art in general, be sure to take a look at what he has to offer!
Gwabryel has sent us three new paintings for his featured artist page. Be sure to take a look!
Laurence, the bloke who runs 100 word tales, has required me to do creepy tales for his 100 word tale series. Needless to say, as a mythos writer, the Old Ones loom large in my immagination. Slap this feed (http://podcasting.isfullofcrap.com/andrew.rss) into your iTunes and listen to my Cthulhu-oid series about various nasties including cultists and a man called Galad with his large worm colleagues. You don’t even have to read the bloody things; I read em’ for you.
The Special June/July Issue of the Eldritch Gazette has finally been released. Clickhere to begin rummaging through its yellowed, age worn pages.
News:07/15/06-The June/July Special Edition is near completion, and will be posted later on this day, the 15th of July, 2006. The Center Column on The Eldritch Gazette website has already been adjusted to fit the New/Upcoming Issues, and the New “Musician of the Month”, has been posted as well.
To view, click here.
The Temple of Dagon’s new Mythos Wiki is officially open! There is a lot of great information up already, and much more to come. Be sure to take a look, and if you like, add something new. With everyones help it will continue to grow! I would like to especially thank A. T. Tsalazar and Jesus Prime for their excellent work adding in articles and helping set everything up. Visit the Mythos Wiki at http://wiki.templeofdagon.com!
I would like to welcome Kevin Evans as the newest featured artist at the Temple of Dagon. He shares with us a collection of unique work which is sure to win him fans.