A new tale from down under

David Conyers has sent us a new one called ‘Five Sisters‘. It is an interesting tale about the dangers of the flesh, and in true Lovecraftian fashion, the flesh is not always what it seems.

Selected Tales of the Mythos

We now have a new feature at the Temple of Dagon: Selected Tales. This section showcases the selected work of non-mythos writers who have decided to try their hand at mythos-inspired fiction with great results. Our first addition is Divide by Zero by Joshua Goudreau. I think you will enjoy it.

Three new tales

To kick December off to a nice start, Stefano Magliocco has sent us “Dreams From Outer Spheres“, and “Where The Wild Things Are“. Both stories will most certainly have you wanting more. Who knows.. maybe Santa is listening. Oh wait.. Santa doesn’t have tentacles!

The Holidays are Upon Us..

The Crooked House Male Voice Choir has recorded a version of the ‘9 Days of Judgement’. Who says that Cthulhu and Christmas don’t mix? Visit their website for the lyrics, and to download the mp3!

Reopening of the Mythos Studies Section

I am happy to announce the return of the Temple of Dagon’s Mythos Studies section! In addition to the previously featured essays, we also have brand new work by Mark Dunn: ‘The Necronomicon and the Dreaming Universe’ and ‘The Serpent Yig – Ygg, Daath and Kia’.

We also have an amusing little mini-story by Simon Bucher-Jones called ‘Shoggoth Fun-Stufft‘. Toys never seemed so creepy!

The Problem of Order

Simon Bucher Jones has a new one up called ‘Some Thoughts on the Problem of Order‘. It is a very well written tale which explores the chaos of order, or perhaps the order of chaos. Check it out and decide for yourself!

Album Review: Philosopher – Thoughts

Philosopher - Thoughts A while back, Ruptured Silence Records sent me a promo kit for the latest album from the Chemnitz, Germany based death metal band Philosopher. I am always eager to hear new music, especially when it comes from a band which cites H. P. Lovecraft as a heavy influence. Read »

Please Welcome Ran Cartwright

I would like to personally welcome Ran Cartwright to the Temple of Dagon. Ran is our newest featured author, and his work can be found all over the Mythos community. He brings with him a few of his Lovecraftian tales which will certainly show readers his talent. Take a look and share your thoughts!

What happened to Romero?

The sequel to Andrew Ian Dodge‘s latest tale is now available here at the Temple of Dagon. It is called ‘Romero is a Pain redux‘ and Andrew has been kind enough to let us display it here first. It picks up where ‘Subject: Romero is a pain‘ left off, so be sure to give it a read if you have not already.

I have been noticing more and more comments on various author and artist pages lately. Keep them coming! I know that they love hearing your thoughts!

An email and a poem

Andrew Ian Dodge has sent us a new one called ‘Subject: Romero is a pain‘. Rupert has found himself in a bit of trouble again.. this time at the hands of some islanders who have been watching too many horror films. Another vacation spoiled!

We also have a new poem by Stefano Magliocco titled ‘The Launch‘. According to Stefano, it is a poem about “man’s overzealousness to reach too far”. Keep them coming guys!