Two new poems
Today we have a couple of new poems from featured writer Stefano Magliocco. ‘The-Fuddle-Beast‘ and ‘Last Vestige of a Dream‘. Take a look and leave a comment for him.
Today we have a couple of new poems from featured writer Stefano Magliocco. ‘The-Fuddle-Beast‘ and ‘Last Vestige of a Dream‘. Take a look and leave a comment for him.
The collection of work at the Temple just keeps growing larger. We have a couple of new entries to the Featured Writers section today. Stefano Magliocco shares with us his latest poem, titled ‘Never On A Monday‘. Andrew Ian Dodge has also sent over a new short tale – ‘Catfighting‘.
Also, for those of you who may not have noticed, we have a new page listed under ‘Temple Sections’. It is titled ‘Recent Stories‘, and it provides a nice listing of the latest work added to the Featured Writers, Mythos Studies, and Selected Tales sections. It is an easy way to make sure you have not missed any of the great work these guys are putting out. Enjoy!
Jeff Remmer is the newest featured artist here at the Temple of Dagon. I am sure that many of you have heard of him, and those of you who have not, have undoubtedly seen amazing his work. We are very happy to have him join the site, and after you take a look at the work he has on display, you will be too!
The latest addition to the Selected Tales section is ‘The Last Weblog of Jonathan Lippincott‘ by A. R. Yngve. I must say that I had not read anything quite like this before 😉 The author describes this tale as “[containing] all the classic features of a Lovecraft story: the curious man who Digs Too Deep and is Never Seen Again; the first-person account (in this case a weblog); the narrator writing his last words as The Lurking Things come for him; the cosmic horror From Beyond Space”. It is certainly different.. in a good, Lovecraftian, way.
Just added two new stories to the Selected Tales section of the site. First we have another interesting one from Carl Nagel called Lorna. The second one is from a newcomer to the Temple named Dario Ciriello and he gives us Appalachian Fall. Keep up the great work!
After having his last story added into the Selected Tales section of the Temple, Carl decided to give us another, and we are glad he did! Be sure to read his brand new tale – The Acolyte.
We have a new story in the Selected Tales section. It is from Carl Nagel, and it is called The Horror in the Mist. Leave a comment and let him know what you think!
K. L. Turner is the latest artist to join the Temple of Dagon. He had originally posted some of his work in the forum, but I liked it so much I had to give him his own page. His unique painting style and amazing sculpture work (including wonderful bas-reliefs and a superb Cthulhu chess set) have certainly earned him a place at the Temple. Check out his work, and let him know what you think with a comment, or say hello in the forum!
David Conyers has sent us a new one called ‘Five Sisters‘. It is an interesting tale about the dangers of the flesh, and in true Lovecraftian fashion, the flesh is not always what it seems.
We now have a new feature at the Temple of Dagon: Selected Tales. This section showcases the selected work of non-mythos writers who have decided to try their hand at mythos-inspired fiction with great results. Our first addition is Divide by Zero by Joshua Goudreau. I think you will enjoy it.